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Today’s Readings – Saturday of Week 1 of Ordinary Time - First Reading

Commentary on Hebrews 4:12-16

We read today two much-quoted passages from Hebrews, and the reading is in two distinct parts. The first is about the power of Scripture, and the second speaks of Jesus as our High Priest.

First, we are told of the power of God’s word. It is a word that has been conveyed all throughout the long line of prophets and other spokespersons in the Old Testament, culminating in the Word that has come to us, in and through Jesus Christ, who in his whole being and life was the Word. It also comes to us in the earliest writings of the Church, which we call the New Testament. And it continues to come to us in many various ways.

This word is able to penetrate into the deepest recesses of our thoughts and feelings—"sharper than any two-edged sword". It is … Continue

Yesterday’s Readings – Saint Anthony (Antony) of Egypt, Abbot

Most of what we know about Anthony is thanks to St Athanasius, his friend, who wrote his biography. Anthony was born in 251 AD at Coma, a village near Great Heracleopolis in central  Egypt, where he grew up in a very protective and well-off family.

On the death of his parents, he inher … Continue

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