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Today’s Readings – Friday of Week 31 of Ordinary Time - First Reading

Commentary on Philippians 3:17—4:1

Today, Paul continues to warn the Philippians about not being led astray in the living of their Christian faith, and he urges them to follow Paul’s own example. This might sound arrogant, but Paul, who had been himself such a devout and observant Jew, is utterly convinced that his whole life has now been taken over by Christ. As such, he now sees life in a completely different way. He is equally convinced that the Way of Jesus goes far beyond what the Law demands, and that it is the only test of a true interior spirituality. He also urges them to use as models other members of the community who see things the same way as Paul does.

Once again he deplores the presence of some who “live as enemies of the cross of Christ”. Their lives are in gl … Continue

Yesterday’s Readings – Thursday of Week 31 of Ordinary Time - First Reading

Commentary on Philippians 3:3-8

Paul has already mentioned divisions and arguing among the Philippian community. Today he indicates one source of the problem, namely, the agitation of the Judaisers (those who believed that Levitical Law should be binding on Christians). We already saw t … Continue

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