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Today’s Readings – Saint Scholastica, Virgin

Scholastica was born about 480 AD in Nursia, Italy, and was the twin sister of St Benedict. She died near Monte Cassino about 543 AD. Almost everything we know about her comes from the Dialogues of Saint Gregory the Great, himself a monk and abbot. She was consecrated to God at a very early age, but probably continued to live in her parents’ home. Some accounts of her story indicate that she preceded Benedict in piety, and that he came to holiness after she did, and under her influence.

When Benedict established his monastery at Monte Cassino, Scholastica founded a convent in nearby Plombariola, about 8 km south of Monte Cassino. The convent is said to have been under the direction of her brother; thus she is regarded as the first Benedictine nun. In fact, we do not know what rul … Continue

Yesterday’s Readings – Sunday of Week 5 of Ordinary Time (Year C)

Commentary on Isaiah 6:1-2,3-8; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11

Today, we are asked to consider three interlocking elements of our Christian living: faith, experience and apostleship. Our faith has two elements. The first is expressed by Paul in the Second Reading where he gives the … Continue

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