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Today’s Readings – Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop

Martin, who became one of the most popular saints in medieval Europe, was born in 316 in Savaria, Pannonia (now Szombathely, Hungary). His father was a tribune (senior officer) in the Imperial Horse Guard, a unit of the Roman army. He was stationed at Ticimum, Cisalpine Gaul (now Pavia in Italy) and it was here that Martin grew up.

Already at an early age he had a desire to become a Christian, although it was still very much a minority religion in Europe, and began receiving instruction as a catechumen. At the age of 15, as the son of a senior officer, he was expected to join the cavalry and was stationed near Ambianensium civitas (now Amiens).

It is at this period of his life that occurred the event for which he is best known and which became a favourite subject for artists. On see … Continue

Yesterday’s Readings – Sunday of Week 32 of Ordinary Time (Year B)

Commentary on 1 Kings 17:10-16; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44

We live in a very image-conscious society. Status, respect and ‘face’ are very important. How we are seen is more important than who we really are. The scribes and Pharisees are presented today as very image-conscious. I … Continue

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