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Today’s Readings – Saint Claude de la Colombière, Priest

Claude la Colombière, third child of the notary Bertrand La Colombière and Margaret Coindat, was born on 2 February, 1641 at Saint-Symphorien-d’Ozon, in the Dauphine, southeastern France, between Lyons and Vienne. He entered the Jesuit order at Avignon in 1659.  His motives for this choice are not known, but he did confess later that he “had a terrible aversion for the life embraced". This was not surprising for he was known to be very close to his family and friends and much inclined to the arts and literature and an active social life.

On the other hand, he was not a person to be led primarily by his feelings. In 1666, he went to the College of Clermont in Paris for his theological studies. Already noted for his tact, poise and dedication to the humanities, he was ass … Continue

Yesterday’s Readings – Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop

Cyril and Methodius were two Byzantine Greek brothers from a noble family in Thessalonika, a district in north-eastern Greece. Methodius was born about 815 AD, and Cyril (known through most of his life as Constantine) the younger, was born about 827 AD. Though belonging to a senatorial fam … Continue

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