Saturday of Week 1 of Advent – Gospel

Commentary on Matthew 9:35—10:1,6-8

The promises of today’s First Reading are shown being fulfilled in the person of Jesus in the Gospel, and they are arranged in two sections.

First, Jesus is shown constantly on the move, teaching in synagogues all over the region, proclaiming the Good News of God’s reign coming among them and bringing healing to all who are sick and diseased. Matthew does not use the title of Good Shepherd for Jesus, but he does indicate the deep compassion of Jesus for all those who are harassed and depressed, people with no direction in their lives, who are like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus is clearly the Shepherd who can lead them back to where they belong.

Second, Jesus then says to his disciples that there is a huge harvest waiting to be reaped. Up to this he has been working alone, but he needs help, especially after he is gone. There are very few people available to work in the harvest field. He then calls the Twelve and hands on to them his own powers to liberate people from evil powers and to heal all kinds of sickness.

The harvest is still great and the need for labourers is as great as ever. In asking the Lord to send labourers into the harvest, we have to ask ourselves what the role is for each one of us. It is not just a question of priests and religious. Jesus was not talking to priests and religious (there was no such thing as ‘religious’ at the time the Gospels were written), but to every one of his followers—to every one of us who has been baptised. Every one of us is being called to be a harvester. Each one of us can reach a corner of the harvest field that is accessible to no one else.

These include our family, neighbours, our work colleagues and others who come into our lives. I may be the only person who brings Jesus with his healing and compassion into someone’s life.

And what are we to do? We are to let people know that the Reign of God is very close, because God himself and Jesus are so close. Once we say yes to God and his Son, they become part of our lives. And we are to do the same work Jesus told his disciples to do:

  • Cure the sick: by our sympathy and support, which can often do more than any medical treatment.
  • Raise the dead: clearly not literally. But there are many who are intellectually, emotionally or socially dead. They are physically alive, but they have stopped living meaningful lives. We can help them to find life again.
  • Cleanse the lepers: all those people who are on the fringes of society, whom we neglect, ignore, despise, reject or avoid. There are the dropouts, those suffering from addictions (e.g. drugs, alcohol or pornography), the homeless, single mothers, ‘sex workers’, and others—let them know they are accepted and loved by God.
  • Cast out demons: help people liberate themselves from the demons of fear, anger, hatred and violence; from drugs, alcohol, nicotine or sexual abuse (themselves and others); from greed for money, attention, status or the adulation of others.

There are so many people who need to hear and to experience the message of Christmas. And there are many, alas, for whom Christmas is bad news, a time of misery, depression and loneliness. Let’s work to change that.

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