23 December – First Reading
Note: Depending on the translation of the Bible used, today’s scriptural citations for the last two verses may be in two different chapters. For the New American Standard Bible, they will be 3:23-24, but for the New Revised Standard Version updated edition (NRSVue) Bible quoted in these commentaries, they are 4:5-6.
Commentary on Malachi 3:1-4,23-24 (or Malachi 3:1-4,4:5-6)
The prophecy of Malachi appears as the very last book in the Old Testament and is followed immediately in our Bibles by the Gospel according to Matthew. Nothing is known about this Malachi except that he probably lived in the period 500-450 BC. He speaks frequently of the Covenant and shows great respect for the supplementary priestly teaching of the Torah. His emphases on sin, judgement and repentance in preparation for the Lord’s coming mark him out as a prophet, even though his writing style is different.
The prophet writes:
See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me…
The Hebrew for ‘messenger’ is mal’aki, the name given to the author of today’s reading. But the messenger Malachi speaks about is traditionally believed to be Elijah, who would return to pave the way for the coming of the Messiah. Matthew, however, will apply this text (Matt 11:10) to John the Baptist, whose birth and circumcision are described in today’s Gospel.
John, in fact, will bring the Old Testament to a close. He carries on where Malachi, the last of the prophets, left off. He, himself, then bows out as Jesus inaugurates the New Covenant of God with his people—now the people of the whole world. In fact, the Gospel sees John as more an Old Testament figure (“the least in the Kingdom is greater than he”) because he died before the redemptive work of Jesus was completed.
The return of Elijah was an important tradition in Jewish belief, but Jesus will say that Elijah came in the person of John the Baptist:
He is Elijah who is to come… (Matt 11:14)
And, after the Transfiguration (where Elijah was seen speaking with Jesus), Jesus says to his disciples:
Elijah is indeed coming and will restore all things [i.e. get everything ready for the coming of the Messiah], but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but they did to him whatever they pleased…Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them about John the Baptist. (Matt 17:11-13; also see Mark 6:14-15)
It will be the role of John as the ‘messenger’ of Malachi’s prophecy to announce the Lord’s coming—in the person of Jesus—and bring about the fulfilment of God’s work in history.
He will turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents…
In Luke’s Gospel (1:17), this is foretold as being precisely what John the Baptist would do. And Jesus, the “messenger of the Covenant”, in his turn will come as a refiner and purifier to purge his people of their sin and their infidelities. He will do this through his life, suffering, passion, death and resurrection.
At the end of today’s Gospel, on seeing the circumstances surrounding John the Baptist’s birth, the people ask:
What then will this child become? (Luke 1:66)
The answer to this is in the Gospel.
But we should turn this question on ourselves. What was I expected to turn out to be? How have I, in fact, turned out?
Whatever my answer, there is still time to turn myself in the direction I know God is calling me to follow. And part of the answer will be—like John the Baptist—to go ahead of the Lord and help bring him into other people’s lives.