- 1: Mary Mother of God
- 2: Saints Basil and Gregory
- Readings
- 17: Saint Anthony of Egypt
- 19: The European Jesuit Martyrs
- Readings
- 21: Saint Agnes, Martyr
- Readings
- 24: Saint Francis de Sales
- Readings
- 25: The Conversion of Saint Paul
- Readings
- 26: Saints Timothy and Titus
- Readings
- 28: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Readings
- 31: Saint John Bosco
- Readings
- 1: Saint Brigid of Kildare
- Readings
- 2: The Presentation of the Lord
- Readings
- 3: Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr
- Readings
- 4: Saint John de Brito
- Readings
- 5: Saint Agatha Martyr
- Readings
- 6: Saint Paul Miki and Companions
- Readings
- 10: Saint Scholastica
- Readings
- 11: Our Lady of Lourdes
- Readings
- 14: Saints Cyril and Methodius
- Readings
- 15: Saint Claude de la Colombiere
- Readings
- 21: Saint Robert Southwell, Priest SJ and Martyr
- 22: Saint Peter’s Chair
- Readings
- 23: Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
- 7: Saint Perpetua and Felicitas
- Readings
- 8: Saint John of God
- Readings
- 9: Saint Frances of Rome
- Readings
- 11: Saint John Ogilvie
- Readings
- 17: Saint Patrick
- 18: Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor
- 19: Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patron Saint of the Society of Jesus
- Readings
- 25: The Annunciation of the Lord
- 1: Saint Justin, Martyr
- Readings
- 3: Saint Kevin, Abbot
- 4: Saint Charles Lwanga and his Companions, Martyrs
- Readings
- 5: Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr
- Readings
- 9: Saint Colmcille, Abbot
- 9: Saint Joseph de Anchieta
- Readings
- 11: Saint Barnabas, Apostle
- 13: Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor
- Readings
- 20: The Irish Martyrs
- Readings
- 21: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
- 24: The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
- 28: Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr
- Readings
- 29: Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
- 1: Saint Oliver Plunkett
- Readings
- 2: Saint Bernardino Realino
- Readings
- 3: Saint Thomas, Apostle
- Readings
- 9: The Chinese Martyrs
- Readings
- 11: Saint Benedict, Abbot and Co-Patron of Europe
- Readings
- 15: Saint Bonaventure
- Readings
- 22: Saint Mary Magdalen
- Readings
- 23: Saint Bridget of Sweden
- Readings
- 25: Saint James Apostle
- Readings
- 26: Saint Joachim and Anne
- Readings
- 29: Saint Martha, Mary and Lazarus
- Readings
- 31: Saint Ignatius Loyola
- Readings
- 1: Saint Alphonsus Mary de’ Liguori, Bishop and Doctor
- Readings
- 2: Saint Peter Faber, Priest
- 4: Saint John Mary Mary Vianney, Priest
- Readings
- 6: Transfiguration of the Lord
- 8: Saint Dominic
- Readings
- 9: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Virgin and Martyr
- Readings
- 10: Saint Laurence, Deacon and Martyr
- Readings
- 11: Saint Clare, Virgin
- Readings
- 14: Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr
- Readings
- 18: Saint Alberto Hurtado
- Readings
- 20: Saint Bernard, Abbot, Doctor
- Readings
- 21: Saint Pius X Pope
- Readings
- 22: Our Lady Mother and Queen
- 24: Saint Bartholomew, Apostle
- Readings
- 27: Saint Monica
- Readings
- 28: Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor
- Readings
- 29: The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
- Readings
- 3: Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor
- Readings
- 7: Saint Stephen Pongracz, Melchior Grodziecki
- Readings
- 8: The Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Readings
- 9: Saint Peter Claver
- Readings
- 10: Blessed Francis Garate
- Readings
- 13: Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor
- Readings
- 14: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Readings
- 15: Our Lady of Sorrows
- Readings
- 16: Saints Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
- Readings
- 17: Saint Robert Bellarmine
- Readings
- 20: Saint Andrew Kim Paul Chong
- Readings
- 21: Saint Matthew
- Readings
- 27: Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest
- Readings
- 29: Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
- Readings
- 30: Saint Jerome
- Readings
- 1: Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
- Readings
- 2: The Holy Guardian Angels
- Readings
- 3: Saint Francis Borgia
- 4: Saint Francis of Assisi
- Readings
- 6: Saint Diego Aloysius de San Vitores
- Readings
- 7: Our Lady of the Rosary
- Readings
- 14: Saint John Ogilvie
- Readings
- 15: Saint Teresa of Avila
- Readings
- 17: Saint Ignatius of Antioch
- Readings
- 18: Saint Luke Evangelist
- Readings
- 19: Saint John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues
- 28: Saint Simon and Jude Apostles
- Readings
- 30: Blessed Dominic Collins SJ, Martyr
- 31: Saint Alfonso Rodríguez, Religious SJ
- 1: All Saints
- 2: All Souls
- Readings
- 3: Rupert Mayer
- Readings
- 4: Saint Charles Borromeo
- Readings
- 5: All Saints and Blesseds of the Society of Jesus
- Readings
- 9: Dedication St John Lateran
- Readings
- 10: Saint Pope Leo the Great
- Readings
- 11: Saint Martin of Tours
- Readings
- 12: Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
- Readings
- 13: Saint Stanislaus Kostka
- 14: Saint Laurence O’Toole
- Readings
- 14: Saint Joseph Pignatelli
- 16: Saint Roque Gonzalez and companions
- 17: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
- Readings
- 21: The Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary
- Readings
- 22: Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
- Readings
- 23: Saint Columbanus, Abbot and Missionary
- 23: Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro, Priest and Martyr
- Readings
- 24: Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and his Companions, Martyrs
- Readings
- 26: Saint John Berchmans, Religious SJ
- 30: Saint Andrew, Apostle
- Readings
- 1: Saint Edmund Campion SJ and Compagnions, Priests and Martyrs
- Readings
- 3: Saint Francis Xavier
- Readings
- 7: Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor
- Readings
- 13: Saint Lucy
- Readings
- 14: Saint John of the Cross
- Readings
- 26: Saint Stephen, the First Martyr
- Readings
- 27: Saint John Apostle
- Readings
- 28: The Holy Innocents
- Readings