Christmas Day

Some may find it strange that there is no direct mention of Christmas in the Christmas Day Mass readings. While we do recall the story of Jesus’s birth during the Midnight Mass after Christmas Eve, the theme of the Mass during Christmas Day is the real identity of this helpless little baby in the manger:

What child is this, who laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping?

This baby is the Word of God. In his inner being he is with God and is God.

God expresses himself through his Word, just as we do. Our words can often be wild, superficial and meaningless, but God’s word is active and creative, as ours also can be. Think of Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Beethoven and all the great architects and painters. They create, make new things and move us. Through God’s Word everything came into being. The Infant is surrounded by his own creation.

The Word is light. Christmas is a winter feast, when days are darkest, but beginning to get longer. So it is very much a feast of hope. Jesus is the Light of the World. We too are called to be the light of the world, a candle shining in darkness.

Jesus came to his own—those he had made and especially those he had called as his own people and showered them with his blessings—and they rejected him.

The Word was made “flesh” (Greek, sarx). Jesus was not just a human, but someone totally immersed in our world. This starts with the birth itself. He is born far from home, constrained to use an animals’ feeding box as his bed. He is visited by marginalised people and outcasts—the shepherds. He will soon be a refugee, on the run, threatened by violence.

All this is part of a process of liberation. Jesus came to liberate people, to lead them out of their poverty, their rejection, their marginalisation, and from being victims of oppression, exploitation, violence and abuse. He came to heal individuals and societies and make them whole.

Let us pray today for our own en-light-enment, our liberation, and our co-creativity with the Word of God.

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