Monday of Week 7 of Easter – Gospel

Commentary on John 16:29-33

The disciples now claim to understand exactly what Jesus is talking about, although it is doubtful that they really do.  It will not be until later on that the full meaning of Jesus’ words will be grasped by them.

They are impressed that Jesus can answer their questions even before they are formulated:

Now we know that you know all things and do not need to have anyone question you; by this we believe that you came from God.

Yet, perhaps they are speaking too quickly.

Jesus questions the depth of their belief.  Very soon, in spite of their protestations now, they will be scattered in all directions and leave Jesus alone and abandoned.  Of course, Jesus will not be alone; the Father is always with him even at the lowest depths of his humiliation.  Even when he himself will cry out:

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matt 27:46)

He tells them all this, not to discourage them, but so that they can find peace.  There will be many troubles facing them in the coming days and indeed in the years ahead.  They are not to worry – Jesus has conquered the world, not in any political or economic sense, but in overcoming the evil of the world that is death.  His disciples can share in that victory as long as they stay close to him and walk his Way.

These words obviously have meaning for us especially if we are experiencing difficulties of any kind in our lives.  The peace we seek is available if we put ourselves into Jesus’ hands.  He knows – he has been through more than anything we are ever likely to have to experience.

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