Maundy (Holy) Thursday – Gospel

Commentary on John 13:1-15

The Gospel reading links all of what happened on that day with the concrete reality of our lives. It says nothing about the Pasch or the Passover. It says nothing about the Eucharist, or the Body and Blood of Jesus.

Instead it speaks of Jesus, Lord and Master, getting down on his knees and washing the feet of his disciples. It is this spirit of love and service of brothers and sisters which is to be the outstanding characteristic of the Christian disciple.

And this is the true living out of the Eucharistic celebration. To have one without the other is not to live the Gospel. And so the words of the Eucharist (“Do this in memory of me”) are also echoed here by Jesus saying:

…I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.

To not celebrate the Eucharist in community, and to not spend our energies in love and service of each other, is to not live the Gospel. Our Christian living is a seamless robe between Gospel, liturgy and daily life and interaction.

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